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Seniors "Young at Heart" programs
Add years to your life and life to your years​.
Preserve and enhance your independent living,
functional mobility,
 and quality of life.

As you grow older, there are a number of physiological changes that occur in your body. To prevent overall deconditioning and reduced mobility, it is important to maintain a level of activity and exercise. Our Physiotherapy programs will help improve muscle strength, coordination, balance and cardiovascular function, making activities of daily living easier to achieve while increasing your independence and confidence.

Stay Safe

Stay Fit

  • improve balance, leg strength.

  • help maintain bone density in areas vulnerable to fractures.

  • participate in regular physical activity.

  • learn how to stay safe and prevent falls in and away from your home.

  • learn how to use canes and walkers safely.

Seniors Services
  • Pain relief 

  • Mobility Programs

  • Postural training

  • Gait training

  • Post hip and knee replacement Rehabiltation

  • Heart Wise Exercise

  • Custom-fitted Orthotics

  • Walker and Cane testing / training

  • Assistive Devices Program (ADP)

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